Posted on Sunday, April 26, 2009 by JStallings and filed under ,

Dearest Students:

There comes a time in every unit when the reading schedule must be updated. Now is just such a time. I know it can be frustrating (if you put off a concert to discover Pearl's true nature) or relieving (if you didn't), but it must be done.  Therefore:

Monday—Review of essays and "Chapter VI: "Pearl," discussion of "Chapter VIII: The Elf Child and the Minister"

Tuesday—Discussion of "The Leech" and "The Leech and His Patient"

Wednesday—Discussion of "The Interior of a Heart" and "The Minister's Vigil"

Thursday—Discussion of "Another View of Hester" and "Hester and the Physician"

Friday—Essay. (In the interest of not giving anything away, I'll explain the prompt at the appropriate moment. Just know it will be argumentative [not an analysis] and will focus on the ethical treatment of a few characters.)

With warmest regards and best wishes,


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