Posted on Friday, April 18, 2008 by JStallings and filed under

a post chock full of links, video, books, and discussion topics.

I shared some cool contemporary artists with you on Thursday, promising links for browsing.  Here you go:

Colin Meloy interlude...

This is one of those careers you never think about.  The Believer interviews Sandy Reynolds-Wasco, set decorator for Quentin Tarantino, Wes Anderson, and... Just check it out.  Another testament to the underlying thought that goes into any good piece of art in order to communicate an idea.

I especially love the statement about Owen Wilson's character's rocket sheets:

They sort of made sense in that room somehow, in a way that was authentic and quirky and fundamentally human.

I wrote about "quirkiness" in film yesterday.  If you haven't read that post, check it out here at The Winsome Scholar.

More to come later.  If you haven't purchased Pearson's The Princeton Review, please do so.

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Posted on Friday, April 18, 2008 by JStallings and filed under

I'm told that the 3rd graders are planning a "secret" pizza party for their high school friends. Wouldn't it be nice if we returned the favor?  I'm reaching out to you all for ideas.  Something knitted for our friends might be cool; I'll talk to Ms. C about that.  Please remember that there will be no reading this coming week, so we should have plenty of time to plan and create.  If inspiration hits, post it below.

I've been very impressed with all of you who have stuck with it this semester.  It may seem like a simple activity, but it makes an immeasurable difference in the kids' lives.  For them to have interaction with someone, if only for an hour each week, someone who is interested in their lives and their development, is a very big deal.  You each have made a difference in the life of another.  For that, much respect.  The world needs more people like you.

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Posted on Wednesday, April 09, 2008 by JStallings and filed under

Story from John McCain's early career.  Slate story

The future ubiquity of technology.  NYT: Technology story

Slow news day, sorry.

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Posted on Monday, April 07, 2008 by JStallings and filed under

As usual, we will be discussing articles tomorrow.  I'd like to see some original works from you.  Think of an issue that matters in your life, something you enjoy or wish could be changed, then write about it.  Remember, this is not a chance to "report" on something—you should write a persuasive piece.  If you're having trouble coming up with ideas, go over some previous analyses that you've written, find an attached article, then write the issue as it should be argued.

Check out my previous post on invention from the Winter's Night Blog if you're still stuck, or would like some guidance on clarifying your position/point.

Good luck!  I can't wait to read them.

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