I've made two changes to the Windmills and Giants with hope that it will allow me to respond to your questions faster and keep you better informed when I update the blog.
First, a twitter widget at the top of the sidebar. This will allow me to make quick updates, respond to comments if I'm away from my computer (*gasp*—it does happen), and allow you to receive these updates on your phone if you really want to. (Helpful if you have to share the computer with a sibling or parent who hogs the connection, or don't have access at home.)
Second, a Feedburner subscription link in grey at the top of the page. I realize many of you do not use RSS readers, so I thought this might help. Basically, you click on the link, enter your email address and receive updates whenever I post to the site. It's like our own newsletter!
As always, let me know if you have any ideas to make the site better for you, or if any of the new widgetness isn't working.
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